
All commercial agricultural producers in the United States are welcome to participate in the Soil for Water forum and educational events, and list themselves on the Regenerator’s Atlas of America. Those who join our peer-to-peer learning Network also receive discounts, technical assistance, invitations to members-only events, and access to the members-only area of the forum. There is no cost for membership or any of our services.

The Atlas is searchable and available to the general public. You choose how much information to provide. We respect your need for privacy and confidentiality, and no personally identifiable data is ever shared without your permission.

Choose one of the options below to join the Network or post your ag operation on the Atlas. We strongly encourage you to do both!

Starred items (*) are required.

Several questions give you the option to HIDE or DISPLAY your answer in the Atlas.

We respect your need for privacy and confidentiality. No personally identifiable data is ever shared without your permission.

Applicant Name and E-mail* This will be used for NCAT to contact you about your listing. This will not be visible in the Atlas.
Business Name *
About *
How many years have you been farming or ranching? *
How many acres do you manage? *
Which of the following describes the land you manage? * Select all that apply.
Image * We want you to look good! This image will be featured on the map and the producer listing. Please select an image larger than 500x500 pixels. Seeing a blue background? Your image may be too small, or you selected a blank area. You can hit "Select Image" to try again.
Enterprises * Select all that apply.
Services * Select all that apply.
Interests * Select all that apply.
Are you or a family member a past participant in Armed to Farm training? *
Contact Information
Additional Links & Information Enter up to 3 links to websites, videos, or other places where people can learn more.
Soil for Water Participation Do you have any suggestions for trainings, speakers, events, or workshops?
Would you be interested in hosting a Soil for Water event, or in being a leader of a local hub for the Soil for Water Network? Are there other ways you would like to engage with Soil for Water?
Location * The city and state are required. The address and ZIP Code are only required if you choose to display your address on the Atlas.
You can also set the marker's location by clicking the map, and can drag the marker into place. The marker is only required if you are signing up for the Atlas.

Thank You for Completing the Application!

By submitting this application you:

  • Verify that you are a commercial agricultural producer in the United States.
  • Authorize NCAT to post the above information on its Regenerator's Atlas of America.
  • Authorize NCAT to contact you via e-mail about this listing on the Regenerator's Atlas of America.
  • Authorize NCAT to contact you via e-mail about updates related to the Soil for Water program.
  • Certify that you are the owner, operator, or legal representative of the entity you are listing and describing and authorized to do so.
  • Understand that your flag will remain on the Atlas map for 12 months; that it is your responsibility to maintain current correct information on your posting; and that you need to provide NCAT with verification of this annually to keep your flag on the map.
  • Understand that NCAT reserves the right to remove any postings found to be spurious or misleading, and to ban "bad actors" from the Regenerator's Forum, Network, or Atlas.
  • Understand that you can opt out of the Atlas at any time without any penalty. To opt out, click here to send NCAT a message.
  • Verify that the information you have provided is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
I acknowledge and agree to the terms above. Note that if you choose No your application will not be accepted.